Nioxin Intensive Therapy Hair Booster for Areas of Advanced Thin-Looking Hair 3.38 oz
Product Description
By: Nioxin
Intensive Therapy Hair Booster
Size: 3.38 oz
Nioxin Intensive Therapy Hair Booster for Areas of Advanced Thin-Looking Hair 3.38 oz
Ultra-concentrated formula, with "CoZyme-10TM Vitamin Complex", especially designed for areas of low density and advanced thin-looking hair. Keratin to boost your fragile hair by helping to protect against cuticle damage.
Formule ultra-concentree enrichie du "complexe vitamine CoZyme-10TM" specialement concue pour les cheveux a faible densite et tres clairsemes. La keratine revitalise vos cheuveux fragiles en aidant a proteger leurs cuticules contre les dommages. ______________________________________________
Formula ultraconcentrada con "complejo vitaminico Cozyme-10TM, elaborada especialmente para areas con cabello extremadamente escaso y de poca densidad. Con queratina para realzar el cabello fragil y ayudar a protegerlo contra el dano cuticular.